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Active Adult Aquatic Fitness

An indoor pool with people exercising in water and one person running by the poolside.

Visit the Aquatic Program Calendar for more information on the times and locations of programs.

We have Senior Aquatic Fitness classes currently available:

Aqua Moves: 

  • Improves strength, balance, and function while using the built-in resistance of water

Aqua Zumba:

  • Exhilarating, low-impact class choreographed to music
  • Improves body tone, balance, and flexibility

Deep Water Aerobics:

  • Energetic, moderate- to high-intensity, zero-impact class.
  • Taught predominately in deep water
  • Challenging aerobic workout utilizing core muscles. Floatation devices used

Masters Swimming:

  • Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:30-10:45 AM
  • Exercises designed to improve technique and increase endurance
  • Masters helps triathletes and swimmers prepare for competition
  • Offered during the Fall, Winter, and Spring only

Water Aerobics:

  • Zero- and moderate-impact.
  • Various intensity levels are offered to increase flexibility, range of motion, and muscle strength
  • Available for Insurance Based Program members only

Water Walking:

  • This low to moderate-impact intensity class is offered in the vortex and improves fitness, balance, and cardiovascular strength.


  • Classes are conducted in the vortex against the water current.
  • Intensity varies while you improve endurance, strength, and cardiovascular fitness.
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