Pond Hockey Championship

2025 Pond Hockey Championship - January 25 and 26!
The Evergreen Pond Hockey Championship is brought to you by Evergreen Park & Recreation District and all proceeds benefit the District and the Evergreen community.
Please Visit this Link for Team Registration (Competitive, Intermediate, Novice)
Game Schedule for 2025 14th Annual Pond Hocky Championship:
The 2025 Evergreen Pond Hockey Championship, organized by Evergreen Park & Recreation District (EPRD), will be held on January 25 and 26, 2025, on multiple rinks at Evergreen Lake.
Tournament play starts at 7 AM each day. Teams play a minimum of three games each, with two 15-minute periods per game, 4 on 4 (with teams of up to eight members to facilitate player rotation).
Registration is $650 for the Competitive, Intermediate, and Novice Divisions.
Team Registration
- Registration will open on October 1, 2024 for the 2025 Pond Hockey Tournament
Tournament Hours:
- Lake House will open at 5:30 AM.
- No Skates Permitted in the Lake House - Warming hut will open at 6:00 AM.
- Registration and check-in: 6-6:45 AM.
- Tournament begins at 7:30 AM.
Check-In & Tournament Location:
Evergreen Lake House
29612 Upper Bear Creek Rd
Evergreen, CO 80439
Cancellation Policy:
If the tournament is cancelled due to weather or poor ice conditions, a full refund will be returned to the team.
Teams may cancel their registration 30 days prior to the event and receive a 50% refund. There will be no refunds inside of 30 days. Cancellations must be made in writing to Krista Emrich, Lake House Manager: kemrich@eprdco.gov.
Competitive Division $650
The Competitive Division is considered the most advanced division of the Evergreen Pond Hockey Tournament. This division is for men and women 18 years and older. Some competitive teams carry former NHL players, Division 1 hockey players, college or high school greats. Each team will be guaranteed a minimum of three games Saturday with the top teams advancing to the finals on Sunday. These teams may have up to 8 players with 4 on the ice at a time. The remaining two teams will compete for the championship.
Intermediate Division $650
The Intermediate Division is for men and women 18 years and older that are dedicated to the pond, but may not have the skills to compete against former NHL, college or high school players. Each team will be guaranteed a minimum of three games Saturday with the top teams advancing to the finals on Sunday. These teams may have up to 8 players with 4 on the ice at a time. The remaining two teams will compete for the championship.
Novice Division $650
The Novice Division is for men and women 18 years and older that love the game, but are strictly in the amateur category. These players do not participate on a regular basis in leagues and would rather play when there is ice outside. Each team will be guaranteed a minimum of three games Saturday with the top teams advancing to the finals on Sunday. These teams may have up to 8 players with 4 on the ice at a time. The remaining two teams will compete for the championship.
Register (Opens on October 1, 2024):
Please Visit this Link for Team Registration (Competitive, Intermediate, Novice)
Tournament Hours:
Evergreen Lake House will open at 5:30 AM. Registration and check in will be from 6 AM to 6:45 AM. Tournament will begin at 7:30 AM (unless otherwise informed by staff).
Cancellation Policy:
If the tournament is cancelled due to weather or poor ice conditions, a full refund will be returned to the team.
Teams may cancel their registration 30 days prior to the event and receive a 50% refund. There will be no refunds inside of 30 days. Cancellations must be made in writing to Krista Emrich, Lake House Manager: kemrich@eprdco.gov.
2024 Official Evergreen Pond Hockey Championship Rules
- The winner of a captain's coin toss will determine which goal to defend. Teams will switch goals after the first half.
- All players must wear a helmet, gloves and hockey skates. Additional protective equipment is optional but highly recommended.
- No goalie equipment or goalie sticks permitted.
- All teams must have light and dark jerseys or uniforms.
- There will be one off-ice pond official to monitor the play (scoring, time, puck reset, and arbiter of infractions).
- Penalties will be called for rule infractions. Penalties called by referees are final. A minor penalty will result in possession of the puck awarded to the opposing team. Referees will have the discretion to also award a goal to the opposing team when a minor penalty is flagrant and/or a team is consistently playing in a reckless manner.
- Any major penalty, which includes any action that could possibly injure another player, will result in that player being ejected from the tournament. The team that received the ejection will play the remainder of the tournament short-handed (3 vs. 4). Off-ice pond official will determine major penalties. Any player fighting will be ejected from the tournament and team shall play with minus one player (3 vs. 4).
- Abuse of officials will be considered a major penalty. This includes yelling, swearing, or arguing about calls.
- No checking is allowed. Such action will result in a minor penalty unless deemed serious enough to be a major (see off-ice pond official).
- No slap shots allowed. Such action will result in a minor penalty.
- Players cannot fall or lay on the ice in an effort to protect the goal area. Such action will result in a minor penalty.
- Goaltending is not allowed. A player may not patrol, "camp out" or remain stationary in the crease area and act as a goaltender. A defender may deflect the puck in the crease area, but the defender must do so while continuing to move through the crease area. The crease area is defined as an imaginary box extending out four feet from the outside corners of the goal.
- Contacting the puck with a stick above the waist will result in a loss of possession.
- Saucer passes (i.e. pucks that are lifted low, below the knee) are acceptable.
- If a puck goes out of bounds, the last team to touch it loses possession. During restart, the defender must give his opponent 2-stick lengths of space.
- There are no off-sides or icing calls.
- Goals must be scored from the attacking side of center ice.
- Referees will call out the score after each goal. This includes goals scored by players or awarded from minor penalties.
- Teams must give their opponents 1/2 ice after a goal is scored or an infraction takes place.
- Games will be composed of two 15-minute halves with a 2-minute halftime.
- In the event of a tie during both qualifying and championship games, the play will move to sudden death format.
- All games are running-time and substitutions can be made during play ("on-the-fly") or while a puck is being retrieved. There is no stoppage of play after a goal is scored, or after a penalty is awarded. It is up to each team to ensure that there are only four players on the ice.
- Each team will play a minimum of 3 games during the tournament. If a team has 3 losses they will be eliminated from the tournament. Substitutions must be made by 6:30 AM on the first day of tournament play. No other substitutions throughout the tournament are allowed. The four to eight players that are on your roster at 6:30 AM on the first day of tournament play must be the same players that play on your team throughout the tournament.
- Setting picks in offensive zone is not allowed. Deference will be given to a defender in front of their own net where their progress is impeded by the pick or interference of an offensive player.
- All players must visibly display their credentials during the game. Players without credentials are not allowed to play.
- Players can only play on one team and players must be at least 18 years old to compete.
Information coming soon. For current opportunities, please email kdekker@eprdco.gov.
There are different levels of sponsorship available for this tournament as well as exposure throughout the skating/hockey season. Evergreen Lake attracts local residents, individuals from all over Colorado, as well as out-of-state visitors. As a sponsor of this event you will have the opportunity to promote your business/organization through various opportunities. If interested in sponsorships, please email Krista Emrich or call at 720-880-1016.
EPRD would like to thank our 2025 sponsors which helped make the event possible:
Platinum Sponsor:

Gold Sponsor:

Bronze Sponsor:

Water Sponsor:

Food Sponsor: