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Youth Advisory Board (YAB)

Five people looking down at the camera, smiling and embracing, in bright clothes.

The EPRD Youth Advisory Board (YAB) is a youth engagement strategy used to positively incorporate youth voices and help build the capacity of youth participants. This program was designed to provide young people the opportunity to directly support program processes and outcomes in ways that contribute to sustainability and scale, while also building on the skills and scope of knowledge of young people themselves.  

The YAB consists of two (2) high school age students that serve as an extension of the EPRD Board of Directors. They work closely with the Board and Staff in and outside of Board Meetings to provide insights and feedback on program design, implementation, and evaluation; help define outcomes that are relevant to young peoples’ needs; and compliment or deepen existing youth engagement strategies. As a YAB member, individuals will develop their leadership skills, learn about the processes and structures within government entities, and utilize their passions within parks and recreation to engage with the local community in ways that make a difference in both the present and the future. 

Email Maddy Evans or call 720-880-1020 to contact YAB Members.

Applications Now Open for the YAB! 

Apply now to be considered as EPRD’s next Youth Advisory Board Member!

Are you a high school student looking to get more involved in the Evergreen community? Do you want to make a difference in the future of parks and recreation offerings in Evergreen? Are you interested in learning about government processes? If you answered yes to any of the above, then this volunteer opportunity is for you! EPRD is accepting applications for the next Youth Advisory Board Member. Candidates must be high school age. Applications will remain open until the position is filled.

Follow this link for the full position description and application: 

2025 YAB Job Description & Application.pdf


Please complete the application at the bottom of the job description and submit it via email to

Current Youth Advisory Board Members 

Xavier Gomez

Position: Youth Advisory Board Member

Term: Expires May 2026

Hi, my name is Xavier Gomez, and I am the newest member of the Youth Advisory Board of the Evergreen Park & Recreation District. I look forward to using this position as a voice for the youth of the community I grew up in. I will be starting my junior year at Evergreen High School this August (2024). Apart from school, I spend a lot of my time utilizing EPRD facilities – whether that be working at Evergreen Lake House over the summer or winter, or using the weight rooms and the other amenities at the Recreation Centers. However, the largest amount of my free time is probably spent at the fields of Evergreen, as I am an avid rugby player and active in its community, both as a part of my teams and coaching for the local youth program. Overall I look forward to being a voice for the youth in Evergreen and surrounding areas, and I hope my input over the next two years benefits this community long past my time in Evergreen.

Tyler Guyton

Position: Youth Advisory Board Member

Term: Expires 2025

Hi, my name is Tyler Guyton and I am a Youth Advisory Board member for the Evergreen Parks and Recreation District. I am in the 10th grade at Evergreen High School and have lived in Evergreen my whole life. I am looking forward to providing insight on how EPRD can better serve Evergreen and the surrounding areas' youth. I have used the EPRD facilities for as long as I can remember, starting with childcare programs and parties, and now as a high school student athlete. From pickleball, to swimming, climbing and hiking, I have grown up utilizing everything EPRD has to offer. I feel as if I can be a type of spokesperson for children growing up in Evergreen to voice their concerns and recommendations. My goal for the next two years is to learn all I can about what happens behind the scenes and I hope to improve our community for years to come.


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